Axillary Hyperhidrosis: An Uncomfortable Reality

Hyperhidrosis, derived from the Greek words “hyper” (over, above) and “hidros” (sweat), denotes a condition characterized by excessive perspiration. Among the different types of hyperhidrosis, axillary hyperhidrosis, pertaining to the underarms, is notably common. This medical condition affects the lives of millions worldwide, posing both physical discomfort and social embarrassment. Awareness is necessary since there are viable and excessive sweating treatment options available to help those afflicted.

Understanding Axillary Hyperhidrosis

Axillary hyperhidrosis is an abnormal, often unpredictable, excessive sweating in the armpits. It’s not necessarily due to heat or physical exertion. People with this condition may sweat profusely even in cool conditions or at rest. The persistent wetness can result in skin maceration and secondary infection, clothing damage, and significant emotional distress. The physiological basis of this disorder lies in the overactivity of the sweat glands driven by the autonomic nervous system.

Cause and Impact

The exact cause of axillary hyperhidrosis is currently unknown. It is thought to be linked to overactive sweat glands, possibly due to genetic factors, as the condition often runs in families. Other contributing aspects could be obesity, hormonal imbalance, or side effects of certain medications. The impact of axillary hyperhidrosis is both physical and emotional, as those who suffer from it often experience discomfort and social inhibition due to fear of noticeable sweat stains and possible body odor.

Diagnosis of Axillary Hyperhidrosis

While everyone sweats, distinguishing normal sweating from axillary hyperhidrosis can be challenging. The diagnosis is usually confirmed when sweat production significantly exceeds the body’s physiological needs, without any apparent reason. Healthcare professionals may use a starch-iodine test, in which iodine is applied to the sweaty area and then starch is sprinkled on. The starch-iodine combination turns dark blue when sweat is present. The severity is usually measured by the Hyperhidrosis Disease Severity Scale (HDSS).

Excessive Sweating Treatment Options

Fortunately, multiple treatment options can manage this constraining, yet benign disorder. Depending upon the severity and patient preference, treatments range from topical agents and oral medications to botox injections and surgical intervention. Aluminum chloride hexahydrate, a potent antiperspirant, is typically the first-line treatment. Oral medications, like anticholinergics, help reduce sweating. Botox injections in the underarm area can block the nerves that activate sweat glands, providing relief for several months. Lastly, for severe cases, surgical interventions such as sweat gland removal or endoscopic thoracic sympathectomy (ETS) may be considered.

Living with Axillary Hyperhidrosis

While axillary hyperhidrosis can significantly affect a person’s quality of life, it is important to remember that it is a medical condition that many others also have. Finding a supportive community, whether online or in your local area, can be beneficial in coping with the challenges often associated with this condition. Moreover, knowing that there are excessive sweating treatment options available can alleviate some of the stress and discomfort associated with it.


Axillary hyperhidrosis is a challenging condition to live with, but it does not have to control one’s life. Continued research and medical advancements ensure that there are several successful excessive sweating treatment options for those who suffer from this disorder. If you or someone you know suffers from excessive underarm sweating, encourage them to speak with a healthcare professional. Medical assistance, combined with emotional and psychological support, can make living with axillary hyperhidrosis significantly more manageable.